This one is for you asshole shit-for-brains who are convinced that the entire universe revolves around YOU (by the way, it doesn't, you're just an idiot). It happens quite often that I am busy making up stuff about a particular product that some moron customer is interested in (usually because they are TOO STUPID AND LAZY to read the damn labels on the box!), and some dick walks up and stands right next to me and stares at me. Just for getting in my face when I'm OBVIOUSLY busy with some other fool, I'd like to shove a hot soldering iron up underneath his chin and through his tongue. Anyways, this completely worthless glob will then proceed to rudely interrupt and ask me a question about something several aisles away. Here is what I would like to say to these arrogant pricks:
"Oh yes sir! Sorry I didn't realize that ALL the planets revolved around you and that you were truly the center of the universe. My mistake for not recognizing how much better and more important you are than the person I was in the middle of helping. You STUPID FUCK! I guess all the other FORTY PEOPLE in this store couldn't answer your retarded question. OR maybe you could not be such a helpless twat and FIGURE OUT *YOUR* Problem YOURSELF?!! Now please, do the world a favor and go be the center of the universe in a more appropriate location, like the center of a volcano."
You are the probably the type that takes 2 hours to get ready in the morning: 10 minutes in the shower, 5 minutes getting dressed, and 1 hour and 45 minutes staring at your ugly ass in the mirror talking to yourself about how amazing and wonderful you are. Sorry dipshit, you don't walk on water and you aren't worth the time it takes to punch you in the face.
Unless you look like this, DON'T INTERRUPT ME. You are NOT important!!
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