How hard is it to read a fucking sign??! Very difficult a retail employee might assume, with the cornicopia of illiterate goons that hobble through stores every day, unaware that the product they grabbed was in the wrong spot, now they want a discount because they can't read.
It is inconceivable how many people can't grasp the concept that maybe another fucking idiot similar to themselves moved the product from its actual place to a random location and therefore is not the stores fault. If you see a cordless drill and the label on the beam says $2.98 and the description says "60 WATT LIGHTBULB", chances are the drill is in the WRONG FUCKING SPOT.

You can manage to read the price, not the description and even remember it 30 minutes later when the brain dead cashier calls me and asks me if the drill is really $2.98 because it comes up $174.99 and that you ( the fucking ass-fingering dickhead fuck customer ) could swear it said $2.98. I say "NO, its $174.99" and now the all-knowing fucktard wants to meet me in the aisle on a retard quest to prove me wrong. Well listen here ass spelunker, you're going to fail and you're going to look even stupider than Helen Keller finger painting.
The other idiots are the ones who can't figure out that, given the product is in the correct location, the label is typically below the product and they constantly ( I mean constantly ) look at the label above it or in very special occasions the label next to the label underneath it. This goes back to reading the description, I know its so fucking exacerbating. If you only knew how to read you could identify the correct label with ease. Say you're looking at gloves and you wonder how much they are. First step: look for the word GLOVE or GLOVES. You might shout, "Oh no!! Almost all these labels say glove or gloves, due to the fact that the gloves I want are in a bay full of gloves!!" Well fear not crack baby because now we have identified the noun and can move on to adjectives. Color, material, type ( like garden or chemical ), and quanity are all good ways to determine which one is associated with your gloves. If they're leather look for that!! If they are covered in human feces because you used them to pull your head out of your ass, then congratulations shithead, you can now breathe the fresh stupid which you have sweat out all over the aisle.
So in conclusion, learn how to read. Go home and watch reading rainbow and maybe Toby's overly excited ass can push some of the excrement out of your dumbo ears and replace it with knowledge.
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