"Really? We're out of stock on someonething you want?? Dear GOD, Call the President!!"
Some creepy old retard was in the store the other day because his driveway cleaner was "supposed" to have arrived last week. It didn't. BUT instead of just getting over it and going to any one of the 15 stores in a quarter-mile radius that carry the same exact product, this pig-fucker decides to whine and cry like a bitch, complaining on and on to the guy who simply CHECKED IF WE HAD THE PRODUCT, AS IF HE HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH:
- Driving the freight truck
- Regional merchandising
- Inventory control
- Or playing any part WHATSOEVER with the process of getting product into the store
Furthermore, the victim of this cry-baby fudgepacker, could not care LESS about whether a product is in stock or not. And whining and complaining about it like you are the center of the world just gives all retail employees that warm fuzzy feeling inside because the ASSHOLE didnt get what he wanted. FUCK YOU. I hope we NEVER stock that damn driveway cleaner again. To say it again, THE WORLD DOESN'T REVOLVE AROUND YOU AND YOUR NEEDS! See this post here: Rude and Arrogant Bastards.
You serial goat-rapists that complain to everyone who has nothing to do with your grossly insignificant issues, are the same dumb fucks that scream and cuss at phone receptionists because you THINK your bank account is $.30 off. Listen dipshit, the person answering your phone call does not personally go in and mess up your account balance. YOU just fucked up and cant add. IF there really does happen to be a genuine issue with your balance, the receptionist HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! Maybe you should be calling the local morgue instead, and telling them you are about to drop dead from an overload of self-inflicted stupidity.
It is a common theme in this blog that if you lack the reasoning abilities of fried shrimp, you should shut the fuck up.
"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
Hahaha this shit is hilarious! I'm a telemarketer and some people cuss at me like crazy as if they have no idea that I'm just doing a job.