Everyone over age 6 should know that engineers are pricks. All of them, without exception. There's even 2 or 3 decent lawyers in the world (not in America of course, but elsewhere), but not with engineers. The hilarious part about these idiots is that they are so retarded. Completely braindead. Every time something is being explained to an engineers that is beyond their minimal abilities of comprehension, their immediate argument is presented thusly: "I'm an engineer." ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY ENGINEER!!
What a joke these clowns are. They must expect their unfortunate audience to bow low at the utterance of such High and Holy words as "I'm an engineer." What REALLY happens is that the engineer (most could never figure out tinker toys) is thought of as a complete moron, and correctly recognized as a 5-year-old know-it-all asshole in the body of a fat and ugly 45-year-old. They must teach in engineering school that arrogance towards smart people is the greatest virtue known to man.
I love it when cocky dickheads get slapped in the face with common sense. One time a weird looking asshat returned a basic lawn mower to my store I used to work at. He said it worked fine at first, then stopped. He said, "Now, I'm and engineer, and I know what it sounds like when an engine seizes up. I want a replacement." Well, instead of getting this retard a new mower, I spent about 20 seconds looking over this "seized" engine and came across the miraculous discovery that this dumb 'tard had the fuel line valve in the OFF position. Maybe instead of going to school to be an a-hole engineer, he should have learned how to read MANUALS.
I fucking agree completely!
ReplyDeleteEngineers can't understand that someone working with a piece of equipment or on a process for twenty years knows more about how it works and how it should work than they do. But they won't ask for opinions they just do what they think is right and usually screw it up. Engineers should open up their eyes and minds.
DeleteI'm a rockets and enengy engineer.... and for all of you that think that we are a piece of shit, no sense and clueless dumps. Please remenber one thing that every thing you have in your lousy life such as a house, vehicles, infrastructure, communication, broadband Internet and the device that you idiots are using for writing all this jealous crap is being planned, designed and built by ENGINEERS. All of you against engineers in this forum would have enough knowledge to deal or fix something that we have created. Nothing special about the rest of you morons whos contribution to society is sometimes useless...
Deleterofl. even if you actually are an engineer you clearly have no field experience. most things are only designed by engineers. engineers certainly do not build most things, and that is where experience really counts. engineers might give input on how to build something, but more often then not an experience contractor will have more knowledge on how to build, and modify engineers plans ( because most the time they have piss poor foresight) another dumbass engineer...
Deleteto d cmw, well we know that you havent a clue what an engineer does! I think the problem here is that 1) you are all basically retarded and if you dont undertand something its the engineers fault and 2) the fact that the use of the title engineer has been used by everyone, heating engineer... no your a fucking plumber... drainage engineer... no your clean fucking drains.... sell lawn mowers and thinks hes an engineer (or in this case better).... no your a fucking idiot! I am and engineer I design from concept, all the way through to development, calculations, FEA, create manufacturing drawings to site and get my hands dirty and machine components, and assemble... I fault find on equipment that usually dumb fucks like the people on this site have though I know better and changed something and botched it up only to blame the engineer! as for you the guy who wrote this complete shambles, would love to meet you Id slap some common sense in to you mate! and to the rest of you, as nick above has mentioned you would have nothing without Us engineers!!!
Delete"all of them, without exception"
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI am a engineer and i totally agree we are assholes. I even took this theory in real life and worked in IT for Nvidia which is full of hardware engineers though im really a Software Engineer just for kicks. LOL and behold most of the Engineers I helped out were complete assholes to me. Especially the some of Indian guys. After the stint i returned to being software engineer again but I have a different outlook. I am going to be a nicer and humbler person and so far my quality of life has already improved.https://retailmorons.blogspot.com/logout?d=https://www.blogger.com/logout-redirect.g?blogID%3D4090616500311508270%26postID%3D7256205562252272227
DeleteFord Engineers take the jackhole award of the century. All Ford engineers should be forced to learn how to engineer a Honda first, and then go back and actually design a vehicle that doesn’t take five times as long as a normal car to work on. I want to meet a Ford engineer just once and ask them why they make such ridiculous bolt locations with no clearance to remove amd install them.
Engineers are the biggest arrogant pricks on the planet! They think they are god, but they are just a piece of shit!
ReplyDeleteeven if their arrogant at times, i think your exaggerating a tad bit. You call them "a piece of shit" as if they have no value yet half thee things you use is because of them.
DeleteI'm a student studying to be a mechanical engineer. I believe your broad sweeping generalizations are entertaining, but wrong. I'll leave it at that since wasting any more time on an internet argument that I won't revisit is about as idiotic as what you have just written.
ReplyDeleteI'll leave it at that since wasting any more time on an internet argument that I won't revisit is about as idiotic as what you have just written. WOW YOU MUST BE ONE OF THOSE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS WHO KNOW IT ALL. ENGINEERS ARE THE JACK[OFF] OF ALL TRADES AND THE MASTER OF NONE
Deletewriting in caps because its called shouting. as an engineer you did not know this?
DeleteThat gentlmen's broad-sweeping statements do have some merit here in Orlando Florida! I have as of yet, met a engineer with a out-going, warm personality, everyone that I have had the misfortune to meet has been a intraverted, robotic, asshole/prick that thinks he or she knows everything and treats those who challenge their intelligence, like shit!! Engineers always live up to their stereotypes!!
DeleteI am a mechanical engineering student finishing up a degree,.....and I can't agree with you more! All of my class mates, engineers I worked with on internship, and others I know are arrogant, know it all dickhead pricks. I went into this shit to learn how to fix my car and how machinary works, but alls I got was math and nothing useful. My uncles who didnt even finish high school know more than me about that kind of stuff, and always correct my cousin engineers on their fuck ups and slap them with common sense. I wasted my money on this major, and going to college and I am embarrased to call myself an engineer. Plus I cant stand the young college idiots politics. The electrical engineers are the biggest dickheads out of them all from what I've seen. I'm spending time around those who know what they are doing, and forgetting everything that college supposedly taught me. I'm stuck now, but I am learning skills to definitely work somewhere where I can make a difference and not have to deal with these dickheads.
Deletehey above you are a moron in training.!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree, you college pukes have bought into the big engineering lie that it is a great wonderful career. When you get beat down by the real workplace in wonderful engineering fields, you will sing a different tune!!
DeleteI'm a woman studying electrical engineering and I can agree that most engineers are arrogant and assholes, but you have no right to make such a close-minded judgment of all engineers. I highly doubt you've met all the engineers in the world, therefore do not judge the many by the encounters you've had with a few.
ReplyDeleteLol........you must be fucking kidding all of us?? Are you on some type of "crack" or are you just drunk??
DeleteIf you truly think this is true, then all black people are dumbasses, all brown people are hairy and ugly, all asians are nerds, and hispanics smell and all white people are spoiled as bitches. Seeing how you work at a store how the hell do you make an assumption that ALL or even MOST engineers are arrogant. Just letting you know you are arrogant yourself for making an assumption that all engineers are assholes.
ReplyDeleteI am offended by this comment. I am a black Electrical engineer and I AM IN NO WAYS DUMB and I am not arrogant too. In fact when a technician disagrees with me ask him or her to give their viewpoint on why they are disagreeing. Then after I listened to their reasons, I state my reasons why I want something a certain way.( If their reasons are good enough I listen them)
DeleteReally?? Lol......you just proved our point on here..you sound like a !#$! yourself!!
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteDear 12:11pm,
ReplyDeleteYou forgot about jews you stupid pig-fucker!! LOL What a moron...must be a retard engineer...
Thanks for proving my point about what complete idiots you all are
hes merely stating how most of you are basing your arguments on stereotypes.
Deleteidk but maybe your the idiot here
The stereotypes about engineers are TRUE......just go down to your local community college or university and you will see them all acting the same!!
DeleteThese engineers are so fucking retarded it took them over 8 months to read this. Maybe 6 months to read it and 2 months to come up with a comment. However I'm not exactly sure.(I'm not a know it all dickless moron engineer)
ReplyDeleteEngineers do tend to be arrogant, though often socially inept to the point of hilarity. Yes, earning a degree in engineering requires intelligence. So do many other degrees. Why, then, the arrogance? Covering up for something, hmmm?
ReplyDeleteWell you can tell your an engineer dealing in absolutes. Everyone knows there are exceptions to the rule. 98% are arrogant assholes. Just because I did not say the majority, you can't even figure that out. Covering up? What a fucking joke!!
Deletewhere the hell did you get the 98% from. did you get that fact out of your ass or something?
Deletein-case you cant figure it out, he looks down on arrogance.hence his last sentence:
"Why, then, the arrogance? Covering up for something, hmmm?"
I do not give a shit what any pro-engineering comment says, I am an engineer with experience. I can tell you the time, effort, and money I spent in school, I should have spent it on a Porsche. I would have got more out of it! I tried changing careers, but I could not even get a shit job in a warehouse because I was overqualified. After fellow engineers fired me on some trumped up charge because my supervisor, an engineer, was a complete idiot. I called him on many mistakes. I was not in the ilk, so I got canned. He lied so much, he could not keep his own lies straight! I say fuck engineering. It is a big lie! I do not give a shit what anyone says! You do what your supposed to, you will get fucked!
ReplyDeleteI've been a project manager with a degree in construction management from an accredited four year institution for almost ten years now. I agree. Most engineers that I've met don't have an ounce of original thought. Keep in mind, they do design blue prints. The majority of them copy and paste from previous designs and come up with bull shit answers when the project gets hammered with RFI's. Trust me, the field craft truly build's the product. The following is a true conversation between myself and a senior electrical engineer, and the onsite electrician via phone conference. We are working on a 150,000 SF Prison. (names have been changed)
ReplyDeleteme: Hey Bill, we have a question regarding the mounting heights of some lights that are being roughed in, in the CMU wall in the bathrooms.
Bill: Ok
Me: At what height above finished floor would those lights be at?
Bill: Ok, let me see. (long pause) did you say CSU wall?
Me: NO, CMU wall in the bathrooms
Bill: Ok (long pause) well those lights aren't designed for that.
Me: for what?
Bill: for that type of wall.
Me: I'm not following you, your saying those lights can't be hung on the wall?
Bill: thats correct.
Me: Why not?
Bill: Are you kidding me! You expect the electrician to install lights on a Cardboard Memory Unit wall. Thats just absurd!!
Me: Are YOU kidding me! CMU stands for Concrete Masonry Unit, which in Laymans terms is a block, which also means the wall is a block wall, filled with rebar and concrete.
Bill: (long pause) oh, my mistake. I'm looking at the wrong notes from a different project.
Me: Uh huh.....(phone disconnects)
Electrician: Laughing his ass off.
Dead serious, true story........
See what I mean. the Hollerith than Dow PE is supposed to protect the public, but you see what engineers are concerned about? it is themselves and their paper-doling ways! What a fucked up choice of a career. Engineers are pricks!!and a piece of shit!!!!!!
Deletei am currently studying engineering and i can definitely agree that the large majority of engineers are very arrogant, however, they are only arrogant because their intelligence in their field of study is higher than any other student, for example, most mechanical engineers believe that they are smarter than math and physics majors because they actually use the numbers they solve for, i believe that everyone is arrogant about the field they study in, for example, political science majors are pricks because they think they know everything about government, engineers are a bit more arrogant in my opinion because of how difficult their studies were, you talk to 90% of people who have obtained their phd and you will agree that they are so narrow minded and think they know everything, its the same thing with engineers, as for anyone who extremely dislikes engineers, if you are jealous, then you should have worked harder in college and finished with a degree that will actually get you a job, if you are not jealous, then maybe you should think twice when you get on an airplane, or turn on the lights in your house, or start your car before you bash on the people who made those things a convenience to you
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. My boyfriend is engineer and a bit arrongant sometimes, but he treats me like a princess and he's really a kind person.
DeleteTheir intelligence is higher than any other type of student?? Really?? Hmm.....why don't look at the GPA requirements for medical and computer science student you jackass!! All of you engineers wish you could mantain a 4.0 and pass a MCAT test!!
DeleteCollege is not job training, it is a life experience. One of the most important purposes of an education is to dispel ignorance and promote a broader view of the world and life. College may help to prepare you to pursue a profession. If that profession is engineering, you suck. Seriously. Engineers do not make the world go 'round. Love does. Love and money. Love and money and sex and greed. Love and money and sex and greed and violence and music. Especially music. And food. and alcohol. and drugs. and friendship. and venture capital. and that one thing...
ReplyDelete"music. Especially music."
^^^^what a dumb ass.... yes i'm an engineer.
ReplyDeleteand an arrogant asshole.
ReplyDeleteYou are 100%* absolutely correct. My father is a prick, though of course I love him to death; and my ex-friend is a SUPER giant prick with a stick so far up his ass HE ACTUALLY MAKES HIS VOICE DEEPER THAN IT IS SUBCONSCIOUSLY. WHAT A FUCKING TOOL! Also, in case you did not know..
ReplyDeleteThey are never wrong
They know everything
They know more than you
They can explain it to you, don't worry
They have lots of important work they have to stay late for sometimes
BTW - My ex-friend engineer who runs a hospital tried to install a ceiling fan 2 months ago and then stopped when he couldn't figure it out. It still sits under the counter with exposed wires in the ceiling.
BTW - If you are ever in San Diego in a military hospital listen for the 30 something guy who has an unnaturally low voice and ask him "Get that ceiling fan in yet genius?"
Someone is mad as fuck that they make shit for a salary selling lawnmowers. Engineers probably make triple what you make just as a starting salary; talk about being able to support a family!
ReplyDeletewhoops! your arrogance is showing.
Deletethe guy selling the lawnmower [ a serf in your mind] knew how to start the dam thing when the high and mighty engineer couldn;t my keyboard is fucked up sorry about the spelling guess it was the engineers fault.!!!
Deletebut the lawnmower guy explained to the asshole engineer who pronounced that he is an engineer to the lawnmower guy that the engine was siezed the lawnmower guy tokk 10 seconds to figure the fuel line was in the off position, hope that engineer has nothing to do with airplanes.!!!
DeleteEngineers can be pricks. It is up to the person what they do with the education.
ReplyDeleteHey, Lawn mower salesman
You mad?
not really feeling the love here man..
ReplyDeleteThis is bullshit...you forgot they are retarted, idiots, alcoholics, sexists, turds,cretins...I am sadly studying engineering and I have never seen a bigger bunch of A-holes and dickheads, but I love them, so much fun with them,finnally I found people like me, but I hate engineering...
ReplyDeleteI agree. Unfortunately, I’ve worked for years as a tech writer for a group of computer engineers. They were always so demeaning to me….until several of us went back to school for our MBAs. I kicked their ass in most of the classes – including all of the math-intensive classes. They also turned out to be a bunch of lazy whiners who would make excuses for everything that they couldn’t beat me on…”Oh I wasn’t really trying.” Bullshit! Engineers are just a bunch of little whiny unattractive piss ants who still play with star wars dolls and role-playing games because they can’t make it in the real world. I know it for certain now.
ReplyDeleteAs a former engineering student I have mixed feelings on this. My closest friend was a total douche and many have sweeping negative generalisations of other fields of study, but on the whole there are really nice people in engineering as well!
ReplyDeleteThe real negative has been interaction with engineers in the workforce. They have proven to be arrogant pricks who never see their wives (male engineers I am talking about of course) and raise defunct children.
I completely agree. I just can't stand being around my engineering friends. Some engineers are just too damn serious and socially inept and will bash any college degree that isn't engineering, which is totally rude and uncalled for. I only know one cool one but he can be a little too serious as well. I think they want everyone else to kiss their ass but that ain't gonna happen.
ReplyDeleteIf you love anyone, you should respect engineers for designing medical diagnostic and treatment technologies that save lives. We owe them thanks for keeping our loved ones in our lives.
ReplyDeleteI'm an engineering student and sure a lot of us are arrogant but that doesn't mean all. Most engineers are actually quite nice to be around although most people see otherwise because they aren't very talkative. If you want an intellectually stimulating conversation talk an engineer about religion or politics. The time we spend a university/college is aimed at opening our minds to the world. And so what if that engineer made a mistake? The fact that you see it as a point against engineers shows that you expect them to be right all the time.I understand that it might give you a sense of superiority for knowing this small thing that an engineer didn't know. The stuff we learn is a combination of some of the hardest courses you get at university. I know that sounds arrogant but I have discussed this with students from other faculties as well. I know engineers and when they do pull the line "I'm an engineer" 90% of the time they actually are. I'm sure that most of you think engineers are straight up arrogant but they actually think deeply about how they react. We may not show it but we do acknowledge our arrogance(I do at least). This guy didn't design the lawnmower so he has as much expertise as anyone else(you should be mature enough to realise this)but the lawnmower and pretty much everything around you was created or designed by an engineer. A reminder of engineers work is always present so can you really blame us for being proud of the things created through engineering
Funny story but please dont confuse Builders with engineers.
ReplyDeleteblueprints are just as useful you know >.>
DeleteI'm a mechanical engineer and I agree with the blogger. A lot of engineers are dicks who have no hands-on skills and don't show the proper respect to others. They're products of their curriculum.
ReplyDeleteThese days, there is also a whole new breed of people who call themselves "engineers" but are not. Not by degree and more importantly, not by experience.
In my estimation 50% of male and 90% of female degreed engineers suck and give the profession a bad name.
But still, they're not working in a fuckin' lawnmower shop.
That hate towards honest retail workers...that's why people hate engineers, you know?
Delete^did you only read his last sentence or something? Hes only bashing because you guys keep talking trash about engineers. Hes just being defensive and probably doesnt mean that last part >.>.
Deleteseriously though, maybe you should read the whole thing next time before commenting. He was pretty much siding with you.
Wow, way to bash women with that 90%.
ReplyDeletewho wouldnt be. most of you guys are talking trash without realizing how half the things you use is because of engineers. If you haven't noticed, all the engineers here have actually been siding with you guys for the most part!!
DeleteArrogant or not, there should be no reason to disrespect them so much..
You all are so stupid and make me laugh,complaining about engineers using an ingineering tool like a computer(to talk against engineers), and even worst the internet, you talk about close-minded think about it. Now when u close your computer I bet you'r going to turn on the TV or maybe make a call with your smart phone or use your car, maybe the subway, all of them engineering creations, if your mother got sick a doctor and an engineering are going to help her fell better you fucking morron you are so close-minded. If all the engineers disappear they would come again because they are necessary. Despite your ingnorance here we are morron
ReplyDeleteI'm a mechanical engineer and I completely understand this arrogance. I went through a phase of arrogance myself but I know better now. I know that many people place a lot of self esteem in their profession. To you ***hole engineers out there who demoralize people because their professions are "sub-standard", why would you want to destroy people's self esteem? Do you remember in middle school what it was like to feel inferior? Not good at all. Please everyone don't live in anger toward arrogant engineers. It's not a good life to live. Instead, ignore them, think positive, and hey, as long as you're not a criminal, you deserve complete respect for working to improve the world. So think about the good you are doing and BE proud. Example: janitors work very hard to keep our places nice and I completely respect them for cleaning our ****-covered toilets. I've met some and they are nice people trying to support their families. Now who could ask for better people than that?
ReplyDeleteEven though engineering is an important field of study on modern society, most people who study engineering are simply following what either statistics or their families and friends tell them to do study. Thus leads them to simply follow orders at any work without question and only think inside the box. These "degrees"or titles are restricting human intelligence, creativity, and originality in many aspects of study and life. Due to these divisions is why we have such discrimination and arrogance in different fields of study. People tend to forget that knowledge and wisdom are only limited to one's intelligence, not to one's "degree" or title. That's is why alot of field specialists, including engineers are very arrogant and close minded. This leads o the inevitable conclusion that alot of workers will only suceed in life to what is simply limited and given to them.
ReplyDeleteI'm an electrical engineer. I has been my experience that arrogance and ignorance usually go hand-in-hand. People have a wide spectrum of education, talents, and experience. I acknowledge the fact practically everyone has some highly specialized knowledge or insight about something that I don't possess. This doesn't make me insecure in the least. I've always tried to listen to and be respectful.
ReplyDeleteI believe there is something about engineering that attracts people with big egos. Part of it might be the filtering process in the education system. Engineering is a somewhat difficult major, so maybe the big egos have certain traits (tenacity, ambition, competitiveness, ruthlessness) that make them more likely to succeed in engineering. I guarantee you many of the big egos are faking it. I been known to ask arrogant people "deflating" questions that point-out their lack of understanding from time to time. They almost always throw a temper-tantrum, which is amusing to watch.
Perfectly said, "arrogance and ignorance usually go hand-in-hand." From my experience, any BS, MD, MS, or PhD graduate tends to have close minds and an ignorance battle going on inside themselves.
ReplyDeleteKeyboard warrior...
ReplyDeleteYou sound very bitter and resentful. Don't hate on engineers because they put the time and work into themselves and their careers, while you settled with an application to a lawn-mower repair shop. Everything around you has been worked on or looked at by an engineer-- computer, electricity, the structure of the building you're in, your car, even the lawnmowers you work on. If you think it's been done poorly or could be done better then there is your opportunity to innovate. Just please stop bitching behind your computer, especially at people that sacrifice a lot of their time to pursue something that although helps the world out, you get very little credit for it and are often times treated as a commodity. I would rather deal with an arrogant engineer that has some work ethic and intelligence than a whiny & passive aggressive person that insults people behind their computer.
ReplyDeleteI work with Engineers each and every day. It's astonishing the amount of clean up the operations must do to ensure the engineers do not simply allow our business to go under. If it were up to them, they would just sit in their offices tinkering with crap that no one would ever buy. They never admit mistakes or apologize for anything they do or don't do. They don't even understand what the word "humble" means. They have no common sense whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, they can design things like no other, I mean after 100 redesigns and respins that cost thousands of dollars. AND in actuality the product is never ever finished, because they must tinker and change it every single month. If one customer calls and complains about a feature they would like to have, then stop the presses, it's time to spend 3 months for this one customer. What is wrong with these people? Oh and while I'm on my soap box, they are the most self absorbed people I've ever seen, not one engineer on my staff ever asks how anyone else in the company is doing, either in their jobs or personal life. It's as if no one else exists. Note to Engineers out there: You may create some really cool stuff, but if you didn't have people with common sense, your really cool stuff would just sit in your office doing nothing. I'm almost surprised they don't think they created the world, but then again maybe I haven't met that particular engineer yet...Whoo
ReplyDeletePerhaps its because school has been set up to flitter everyone out except for complete pricks from becoming engineers. So that we are always fucked by design. An academic culture of elitism taints our society.
ReplyDeleteI went to an engineering college but decided not to become an engineer. All my former friends turned on me, and one of the less religious ones recently seriously insulted me.
ReplyDeleteEngineers are robotic individuals who end up making a lot of money. But their marriages are abysmal failures and they're almost all callous, cruel atheists. Aside from tinkering and designing, they think that the rest of life is just going to be great if they're lazy towards it.
That society doesn't punish people like this is going to be its undoing. Building bridges and manufacturing millions of cars is great, but when it comes at the expense of wholesome families, human compassion, and social justice, society is doomed. Greedy engineers who think God doesn't exist and that they or God - or who act like it - and who are willing to not pay anyone else a fair wage, are going to have miserable hollow lives and are eventually, eventually, going to get eviscerated by a mob of starving people.
So take measure of what country you're in and where it's headed. Don't be surprised and say nobody tried to warn you.
These creeps are the worse. They go overseas and rip off all the local peoples, forcing them to work like slaves. They take jobs from the USA and put them in foreign countries, then they pay us an unfair wage.
ReplyDeleteThere should be a national registry of all engineers which records their age, how many times they've been married, and when.
Americans make excuses for all their divorces, but before that, the women in college were all chasing after engineers and lawyers. Huh.
Also, because there's less money in 3rd world countries, most people there who get a degree, get one as an engineer. So foreign engineers are usually more well-rounded. 3rd world countries, however, suffer greatly from only training nurses, engineers, accountants, and such. Their education systems, at the very best, become robotic and uninsightful, and people don't see many options in the world aside from violence and oppression. America is becoming more and more like this, as the education system is popularized and dumbed down to please everyone.
Democracy is a study idea. Monarchy works better. The common people are easily fooled because they have no time to train themselves properly. Even a lifetime in school would never be enough to train all people in a country to not be fooled by demagogues and trickery.
But you won't hear that from an engineer. They'll just give you some excuse why they just believe whatever's on TV or comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth, or their other rich immoral friends.
Maybe arrogant but if it wasn't for Engineers you wouldn't even be able to write this close minded article, let alone have an easy source to food I.E (Super-markets). If you really do hate the Engineers I would suggest you stop using your house utilities and also any transport. In fact anything that has been engineered, that way you can make us all "arrogant" engineers jobless :). The hypocrisy of this article is brilliant I hope it's satire. Have fun in your office cubicle.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe anyone is saying Engineers aren't capable at their careers. They're making a statement about their personality traits. Which for the majority of them is completely accurate. The majority are not only arrogant, they're narcissistic. I know from experience, I was married to one for 34 years. He's a brilliant civil engineer with his own company, but a complete asshole.
DeleteI'm a tech writer for an entire company of engineers. At first, they treated me with distain, but once I ripped their code apart, taught them about UX, and suggested valid improvements, they respected the heck out of me. Then I beat them all in my calculus classes and master’s program… (smirk). Now, they all greet me when I walk into the room. Gotta love that!
ReplyDeletelol at some spastic who worked in retail thinking he's high and mighty because a guy lied to him about being an engineer one time
ReplyDeleteim a chemical engineer lelelele umadumadumad lelelelel l0l0l0l0l heheheh dudududu pv = nrtumad? l0l0l0l
ReplyDeleteLOL - I MUST share this on facebook. I'm an engineer, and I appreciate the constructive feedback. We're not all arrogant pricks bro...
ReplyDeleteI am from Cyprus, i want to use this medium to testify of how i got back my ex boyfriend after breakup, i and my boyfriend have been together for the past 3 years, recently his behaviour and character towards me changed and i later found out that he had another girlfriend who he was talking to on facebook, when i confronted him it led to quarelling which eventually led to breakup, i was emotionally down, i did all i could to get him back but all to no avail until i saw a post on a relationship forum about a spell caster who help people get back their lost loves, re-unite broken relationship and marriages at first i doubted it but decided to give it a try, when i contacted this spell caster via email, he helped me cast a re-union spell and my boyfriend came to me apologising for all his misdeed, we are happily together again. Contact this great spell caster for your marriage or relationship problems via this email ikedispiritualtemple@gmail.com Goodluck
I shouldn't be dignifying this atrocious writing with any response, but I'm obviously an arrogant prick because I decided to check the job market before choosing a major. I chose to pick a curriculum that has a large impact on the world by helping others. And yes I am also self interested. I can admit that. This post is pure garbage and the larger issue at hand is the fact that for now, people actually agree with this nonsense. We all learned in freshman composition (everyone takes this course not just engineers who really aren't known for their writing skills) what logical fallacies are. This blog must have been aiming to break each of them. A quick Google search for logical fallacies will show us that this writing has no valid argument. The truth is engineers have type A personalities. We chose not to sacrifice our futures partying through college because we want the best lives possible. Instead of making hasty generalizations and ad hominems we should take a look in the mirror and seek to understand what our deeper inner issues are. Then we can make a plan how to solve the problem. Next just follow through and do it. After that lets review and see what we can do it better.
ReplyDeleteA few Islam extremists got on a plane in 2001, then took over the plane and crashed the plane into a building. THEREFORE all muslums should be banned from using planes as they are ALL terrorists based on the actions of a few of them. This entire piece is a fallacy (Hasty Generalization)
ReplyDeleteLicensed Mechanics, Designers, Technicians, Machinists, Inventors & Physicists are smarter and more competent than Engineers.
ReplyDeleteAll profound inventions on Earth have been invented by Mechanics, Designers, Technicians, Inventors or Physicists not Engineers.
A true engineer is one that can build whatever they design to functional operation which excludes 90% of these so-called "engineers".
Licensed Mechanics, Designers, Technicians, Machinists and Physicists have created 99% of all technology & engineering concepts that are in mainstream use today!
Without licensed mechanics, designers, technicians & physicists babysitting an engineer, the engineer wouldn't even know what to do and could only work as a salesperson.
Inventions of Licensed Mechanics: Airplane, Helicopter, Gyrocopter, Steam Piston Engine, Steam Turbine Engine, Two-Stroke Gasoline Piston Engine, Four-Stroke Gasoline Piston Engine, Two-Stroke Diesel Piston Engine, Four-Stroke Diesel Piston Engine, Gas Turbine Engine (Propulsion & Torque Applications), Mechanical Clock, Electronic Clock, Automobile, 160 MPG Automobile Gasoline Vaporization Fuel Delivery Systems, Boat, Modern Firearm/Ammunition, Rocket, Grenade, Refrigerator, Mechanical Computer, Aviation Mechanical Auto Pilot Systems, Electromechanical Computer, Missile, Submarine, Plastic Explosives, Rocket Launcher, Cotton Gin, Telephone, Telegraph, Light Bulb, Wankel Engine, Elevator, Pumps, Air Compressor, Machine Gun, Land Mine, Train, Modern Tool & Die, Fasteners/Bolts, Assembly Line and much more.
Most everything else humanity uses for technology & engineering concepts have been invented or discovered by Physicists.
Famous Mechanics: James Watt, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Oliver Heaviside, Elijah Otis, Frederick Jones, Armand Bombardier, Jack Northrup, Thomas Edison, Eli Whitney, Michael Faraday, The Wright Brothers and Charles Taylor.
Famous Physicists: Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Chandrasakar, Michio Kaku, Max Planck, Charles Babbage, Von Nuemann, Werner Von Braun & Enrico Fermi.
Mechanics & Physicists deserve far more respect than these stupid arrogant engineers who wouldn't even have an engineering field to practice in if it weren't for the inventions, discoveries & techniques of Licensed Mechanics & Physicists!
I know engineers that hold several patents. Also, your list is not long enough to prove your point. Regards.
DeleteTo: Anonymous July 2, 2015 at 4:33 PM
ReplyDeleteFrom: Anonymous July 6, 2015 at 7:36 AM
If it weren't for those inventions in the above "short list" there wouldn't even be a university engineering program or community college technology program available to students in the present day.
There are more mechanics & physicists that hold patents than do engineers. Your statement is not relevant. Regards.
Gotta agree, some engineers aren't quite cut for the job. Got a brother was helping with a project that involved turning a shaft to diameter. I took machine shop in vocation school, knew how to this and haven't turned a piece on a lathe for 12yr. Dumb ass engineer, thinks first needs to find center, gets a dial gage caliber, gets diameter, divides by 2, commences to marking center. I'm like no stupid shit just use the indicator. A little floor experience can go a long way.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry...
ReplyDeleteI agree, engineer majors are some of the most lazy fuck heads at my university. While some people reading this may think I am biased, I do know that some of engineer majors are actually dedicated to their profession, but the majority of engineer majors are complete fucking lazy, a-hole, know-it-all. I study chemistry and the lack of basic chemistry concepts of the engineers is concerning because you expect universities to be preparing people who could do shit, but if they don't fucking know about molecules or what the fuck an atom is, then the future is going to be run by idiot engineers. In fact the stupid fucking engineers at NASA experienced a lot of fucking failures with their rockets until NASA brought in physicists and other scientists. I believe that society is churning out ignorant asshats and that true engineers or those who utilize knowledge to improve living conditions are those who have fundamental understanding of the world, such as scientists.
ReplyDeleteI happen to be an EE who worked around NASA. An Engineer is below a Scientist. I can tell you the story of one Engineer who had an IQ of 170 in the early days and warned NASA of the fact that a fire will happen with a capsule design and explained why. NASA Management did nothing. Capsule burned and people died. The Engineers tried to help but Management was the problem. The Manager was fired.
DeleteI was married to a software engineer who did a fine job at work but at home was not very nice. He was argumentative, negative, never complimented me even though I am attractive and dress very well. He couldn't carry on a good conversation. He was always interrupting me and changing the subject. He didn't listen. He was obsessed with politics, and if you disagreed with him he would harass you to no end. Sometimes he wasn't very moral and didn't always know right from wrong. I am not saying all engineers are like that but he was. Married for 19 years. Then he was a super jerk and got a divorce. I would say he was a failure at relationships.
ReplyDeleteWell, I am glad this post exists. Sadly I am an engineer, degree qualified so a real one and yeah I have to agree with the negative comments. Can say choosing engineering was biggest mistake I ever made and have been trying to change career for a decade. All grad schemes are aimed at under 25s and recent grads, no way I want to get another degree. Have applied to thousands of jobs, directly or via agent an have never had an interview for a job that was not related. I was made redundant from a contract job few years back and never got another one. Engineering is crammed full of sociopathic arrogant morons from top to bottom with a few poor sods like me in it that get all the abuse. Most should be behind bars, unfortunately they cannot be put away for being disgusting evil creatures without causing physical harm to others, which is impossible from their fat/weaker than a 5yr old bodies.
ReplyDeleteOh and if you think that my judgement is clouded from a small sample size, well I have interviewed in maybe 50 companies over a 100 mile area and worked in 8 or more. Engineers are horrid people.
ReplyDeleteFuck Armenian electrical engineers. One of the biggest assholes out there.
ReplyDeleteI work in in a retail environment.
ReplyDeletewhile op has some anger, there are some valid points. They think they are masters of everything. Explaining why their solutions may work, but not the most efficient solutions get them fired up. When they tell you they're an engineer, trust me they will tell you. Ask them what feild, then you can devalue them subtly, since they are doing the same to you. It does help to know what your talking about though.
Only Mechanical, Electrical & Chemical Engineers are real engineers. Civil "Engineering" is actually architecture not real engineering, they don't even study Thermodynamics! Haha.
ReplyDeleteOnly licensed automotive or aviation mechanics understand engines, motors, machines, electronics & computers.
Design limitations of machines & electronics including dynamic systems limitations are established by either Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Aerospace or Automotive Engineers.
Licensed Mechanics with a bachelor of science in Physics or Tech Ops are CREAM OF THE CROP = Both Mechanical Engineer & Licensed Mechanic all rolled into one!
The word "engineer" means nothing!
Smartest Engineer = Electrical, Mechanical
Most Rigorous Engineer = Chemical
Most Inter-Disciplinary Engineer = Aerospace, Auto.
Dumbest Engineer = Civil, Environmental
Yes, there is a ranking system in engineering from smartest to the most dumb engineer.
A REAL engineer such as a Mechanical Engineer or a Physics grad, is smart enough to know that ONLY a licensed mechanic understands the technical thermodynamics involved with heat engines (piston & turbine).
Some insecure jackass acting like he knows about reciprocating gas piston engines, claiming to be an "engineer", is something you can laugh at! Haha. Sounds like some stupid architect who thinks he's an "engineer", probably some civil "engineer" who only knows about concrete! Hahaha.
I'd ignore him, or start getting technical with him and mention the Brake Mean Effective Cylinder Pressure in PSI per Cubic Inch displacement in regard to the engine's bore and stroke, in relationship to the Ft-Lbs torque output tied to the the 30% Brake Thermal Efficiency at No-Load operating conditions in conjunction to a Gasoline energy density of 20,000 BTU/Lbs in which 1 BTU/Sec heat output in the form of burning to equal 1,056 Watts of power or 778 Ft-Lbs/Sec of mechanical power. I bet you, he'd be lost, since he's only an architect!
Real engineers are only mechanical engineers and licensed mechanics with years of experience.
Okay, I said enough.
If something is not true, then don't worry about it!
One thing I see in these comments, Engineer or not, some of you can't write worth a shit. Engineers are usually more intelligent than this. I would think some of you are lying about being an engineer, but most of the engineers here have gotten too butt-hurt to be lying about your title. I don't think all engineers are arrogant a-holes, but I'm sure quite a few are. Since it takes an intelligent person to be an engineer, I don't think they're morons. I do think they need to check their spelling/grammar though. If you're an engineer, and my sentences make more sense than yours, something's wrong. Or perhaps you've had one too many after reading this idiotic blog.
ReplyDeleteevery engineer i know is an absolute CUNT.
ReplyDeleteLol these micro arguments made my day. Thank you original poster for starting this crap fest in the comments. Praise be the Trolls of the internet.
ReplyDeleteMY ASSHOLE BRO IN LAW - engineer for microWORST - b4 he made Lysol - ABSOLUTELY UNNECESSARY
& for WHAT . . .lysol & they are as charitable a$ hairDON’T donny trump