Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Do Managers Power-Trip?

It is a sincere question, something I have wondered for a while.  Somehow, the biggest jackasses in the company get a promotion and suddenly they look down upon everyone else and think of themselves as gods.  If one particular assistant manager at my store could grow a pair and act like a man for a brief couple of minutes, I would gladly take him outside and show him the error of his ways.

Seriously people, how many of you are managers at shitty, worthless jobs and think you are some kind of badass world leader?  "You are nothing."  Repeat that to yourself about 20 times per day to help decrease the swelling that has chronically infected your fat head.  These arrogant manager pricks are one of the main causes (next to fuckface customers) of retail sucking so badly.  So perhaps some of you could leave comments explaining your reasoning for retail managers to power-trip and thinking that they are "all that."

Complete fucking morons.  If you work a horrible retail job, or ANY job, and your manager is a cocky donkey crap-sucking asshole pile of dirt bastard, please share this post on your facebook/myspace. 

Thank You.


  1. Hey I totally agree with everything you've said. I used to work in retain and found the same thing with idiot managers. So guess what, I went to College got a degree in IT and worked for a big company and still found the same dumb-assed managers there too. Not all mind you, some were fantastic, but you only need one in 5 to really fuck things up for everyone.

    The classic one I had - on his first day, he walked around yelling abuse at everyone randomly and in front of customers too. Then he would hold snap meetings just to talk about himself and his past embellished achievements or invite his boss so he could suck up to him in a group environment.

    Then he quickly decided that too many of his subordinates were getting credit for jobs from customers, so he banned us all from talking to customers and any feedback had to be directed to him, and if it was bad feedback he'd blame us.

    I've been in the workforce for 30 years and I think managers with people skills and respect for employees peaked about 10 - 15 years ago, but its going down hill now like managers are acting like school teachers from the 1950's - like militant nazi's. There are some great managers but the senior management seem to like the office psychopath to be a middle manager.

  2. I'm glad someone else feels my pain. I'm an asst. manager, but my manager constantly criticizes everything everyone does. Never a thank you. He sucks and thinks he's always right. Even to the point when you pin point an employee who is slacking, he will defend the employee just to make you feel inferior. He's a loser though, I'm glad that he's not on my priority list of important people.

  3. i really agree with u, our aasistant manager really make all staff suck.

  4. Man that made me feel better

  5. Come to any Iceland store and see exactly what this article is talking about

  6. ive worked in retail for twenty two years and the amount of bullshit with all those managers is unbelievable.. I have 1 store manager, 4 co managers, 8 assistant managers, and 4 support managers... why???? so they can make my life hell and I'm a dept manager lol
